Name: Demet Çanakçı
LinkedIn ID: Comming Soon
Deputy Governor, Bank of Ghana; Board Member, Toronto Centre
Executive Director, Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Global Director, Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation, World Bank; Board Member, Toronto Centre
This is the fifth webinar of the series on the revised Core Principles for effective banking supervision.
Climate change introduces physical and transition risks that can impact banks’ safety, soundness, and overall financial stability. The revised Core Principles now explicitly address climate-related financial risks, advocating for a principles-based approach to enhance both supervisory practices and banks' risk management. Banks must understand how these risks could affect traditional financial areas and prepare for long-term impacts. Supervisors are expected to integrate climate risks into their oversight, assess banks' risk management, and require relevant information to evaluate these risks.
This panel will examine the inclusion of climate risk in the updated Core Principles and highlight why both banks and supervisors should adopt flexible practices to address the evolving nature of climate risks.
Elsie Addo Awadzi, Deputy Governor, Bank of Ghana; Board Member, Toronto Centre
Shahin Mahmudzade, Executive Director, Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Jean Pesme, Global Director, Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation, World Bank; Board Member, Toronto Centre
View their biographies here.
Simultaneous translation available in Spanish and French / Interpretación simultánea en español será disponible / Traduction simultanée disponible en français.
This was the third webinar of the series on the revised Core Principles for effective banking supervision. The Basel Committee wants banks to institute a sound risk culture, to maintain strong risk m.. Read More
This was the first webinar of the series on the revised Core Principles for effective banking supervision. The post-Global Financial Crisis (GFC) period has seen banks continue to build their resili.. Read More
Cross-border supervision is one of the more challenging supervisory priorities. It adds layers of complexity, new stakeholders, and potential challenges to effective supervision. This TC Note and a.. Read More