Monday, Jun 10, 2024
Women's Leadership Program Testimonials
Toronto Centre designed the Women's Leadership Program to help current and aspiring women leaders become more effective in their roles and feel more empowered. The program enables them to better understand that their experience, skills, and perspectives are valuable to the success and effectiveness of their supervisory and regulatory agencies.
The program specifically links the classroom to the world of women financial supervisors and regulators and the challenges they encounter in building stable and inclusive financial systems. It introduces the participants to new leadership practices and strategies through dialogue and practical exercises. The program also provides them with the opportunity to practice the implications of their new learnings within the reality and context of working in a supervisory authority.
This program is designed in line with the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and in particular SDG 5, Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls.
Watch testimonials from WLP graduates below.
Diana Sichone, Commission Secretary and Director - Enforcement and Legal Services, Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia
Rebecca Ralebakeng, Director of Finance, Central Bank of Lesotho