Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021
Building Back Better - Part I: How Can Central Bankers and Supervisors Mitigate Climate Change Risks to the Financial System?
This podcast is the first installment of Toronto Centre’s “Build Back Better Series”. Kevin Stiroh, Executive Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and Nathalie Aufauvre, Director General, Financial Stability and Operations, Banque de France, discuss various considerations in the interplay between climate change and financial institutions within the global conversation about net-zero transition.
Listen to the podcast:
Building Back Better - Part 1: How Can Central Bankers and Supervisors Mitigate Climate Change Risks to the Financial System?
Kevin Stiroh, Executive Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Nathalie Aufauvre, Director General, Financial Stability and Operations, Banque de France; Chair of the Banque de France Climate Change Centre
Moderated by: Babak Abbaszadeh