• 2023 Annual Report

    A New Era:

    Supervision in a Fragile World.

    View the interactive report.

  • 2022 Annual Report

    Then. Now. Tomorrow.

    Celebrating 25 years.

    View the interactive report.

  • 2021 Annual Report

    Engage. Educate. Empower.

    View the interactive report.

  • 2020 Annual Report

    Responding to a Crisis

    View the interactive report

  • 2019 Annual Report

    Learning from the past. Leading towards the future. 

  • 2018 Annual Report

    Resilience. Inclusiveness. Sustainability. 

  • 2017 Annual Report

    Developing Stable and Accessible Financial Systems Worldwide

  • 2016 Annual Report

    Advancing sustainable development goals by promoting inclusive and stable financial systems. 

  • 2015 Annual Report

    Delivering results for financial stability and inclusion. 

  • 2014 Annual Report

    Building supervisory capacity/ Stable & inclusive financial systems. 

  • 2013 Annual Report

    New horizons. Meeting the needs of our partners in a dynamic regulatory environment. 

  • 2012 Annual Report

    Continued momentum. Helping build more stable, accessible financial systems. 

  • 2011 Annual Report

    Increasing our impact. Strengthening financial supervision around the globe. 

  • 2010 Annual Report

    Building on our strengths and expanding our reach